Gene Therapy
Gene Therapy is the altering the genotype of a tissue or organ
In early stages treatments hope to include:
- GM white blood cells that produce proteins that kill cancer cells
- targeting genes at cancer cells to kill them or revert them back to normal cells
- white blood cells that would not reproduce if infected with HIV
- germ-line modification (only present in animals) which is currently illegal
- at present, only somatic cell therapy is legal which alters only specific cells in the body
Applications of Gene Technology
3 main applications to date: -
1.Gene Products:
Using genetically modified (GM) organisms (usually microbes) to produce chemicals for medical or industrial applications

2. New Phenotypes:
Using gene technology to alter the characteristics of organisms such as crops
These include:
- Fast-growing sheep & fish
- Crops resistant to insects, herbicides & viruses
- Long life tomatoes & some fruit
- Crop improvement & nitrogen-fixing crops
- Cattle resistant to mastisis (> higher yield of milk)
- Sheep resistant to ticks (> may not need sheep dip)
3. Gene Therapy:
using gene technology on humans to treat diseases