Human Growth
Human growth is spread throughout
Adult is taller, larger from front to back, has larger organs than a child
Growth: permanent increase in amount of organic matter
Produces new cells and increases size of existing cells
Somatotropin (growth hormone) stimulates cell division, protein synthesis / released by anterior lobe of pituitary gland
Monitored by standing height and body mass
Development: physical, emotional, mental, social changes throughout life
Absolute Growth: total growth or cumulative height of a person
- at a constant low rate that levels out at 16 years
Growth Rate: increase in an appropriate feature per unit time
Growth Rate = (size at T2 – size at T1) / (T2-T1)
Highest in the first year & decreases rapidly during the first 2 years
Females and males have similar height until 14 years when a growth spurt occurs: - this occurs later but is greater in males than in females
- male becomes taller than the female at 14 years
Growth stops by the age of 18 years