Answer to Q4 - Blood

Blood is one of the many tissues of the body.
(i) Explain what is meant by a tissue.
specialised / group of cells ;
working together ; to carry out a particular function / named example [ 2 ]

(ii) White blood cells are important in the body's defence mechanisms. The images below are a photomicrograph (A) and a diagram (B) of two types of white blood cells.

Identify the two white blood cell types in A & B.
A Neutrophil
B Leucocyte [ 2 ]

(iii) State where in the body that white blood cells are manufactured
Bone marrow [ 1 ]

(iv) State ONE difference between the structure of a white blood cell and that of a red blood cell.
Has nucleus Do not allow ‘larger' ‘bigger' [ 1 ]

(v) In terms of white blood cells, explain Histocompatability Testing and under what circumstances could this test be required.
Tissue typing; HLA antigen typing; organ / tissue transplant; parentage disputes; tissue compatibility; donor; recipient; [ 4 ]

[Total: 10]

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