Example Topics

Here are some examples of what the topic might be:

Topic One - Human Health – Hospital Observations e.g. EWS (Early Warning Scores) - Look it up!

For this, learn:

  • how blood pressure is taken
  • the measurement of blood pressure
  • how heart rate is taken and the unit of measurement
  • difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  • Specialist terms such as ‘Kuroki’
  • Effects of pH on blood chemistry and blood cells
  • Compare the topic Hospital Observations with work covered already in the course

Topic Two - Plants in Medicine e.g., Mistletoe; Digitalis; Hyperacid

For this, learn your:

  • plant cells,
  • differences between plant cells and animal cells,
  • Cancer-treating plants,
  • how cancer-treating plants operate to reduce tumours,
  • what is a Lymphocyte,
  • protein synthesis (linked to tumour reduction)
  • Compare the topic Plants in Medicine with work covered already in the course

Topic Three - Biology laboratory processes e.g. cytological staining

For this, you would need to learn:

  • how stains affect cells
  • the properties of water
  • the terms ‘isotonic’ etc
  • Ecological aspects of maintaining a supply of staining substances (some originate from natural products such as tree and animal products)
  • How to take a histology sample and stain it (you’d probably do something in a practical but, read about common samples such as Blood, Bacteria,
  • How cytology can be used to screen for illness such as cervical cancer
  • The nature of cervical cancer and cell division in general
  • Compare the topic Laboratory processes with work covered already in the course

Now, it’s up to you to prepare well for the examination – no excuses: you’ve had the examination document already!

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