
A student made a coloured diagram of the main regions and structures of the human brain (diagram below).




(a) Using standard labelling lines, identify clearly on the diagram the following


(i) the cerebellum

(ii) the medulla oblongata

(iii) pons

(iv) hypothalamus

(v) pituitary gland

(vi) thalamus

NB penalise crossing of lines with 0 mark for structure identified


[ 6 ]

(b) Describe the function of the medulla oblongata, the cerebellum and cerebral



Quality / communication not assessed

(All) receive information from sensory organs / ref. to sensory input ;

Idea of interpretation / coordination of information ;

Initiates / transmits impulses to effector ;

Cerebral hemispheres / cerebrum

Ref. to voluntary action ;

Ref. to named sense ;

Ref to thought / learning / intelligence / memory / personality / emotion / speech /

language ;


Idea of / to control(s) skeletal / muscular movement ;

Ref. to modification of movement / named example e.g. talking ;

Balance / posture / muscle tone ;


Medulla oblongata

Ref. to involuntary action ;

Involved in homeostatic control / correct named example ;

Ref. to simple reflex centre / named example

[ 10 ]



[ Total: 16 marks ]

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