
Calculating a percentage - Follow these instructions exactly and in sequence!

#Percentage (%) means "How much out of a 100"

e.g., You need to know "What is 45 as a percentage of 110?"


#Firstly, get a benchmark (a sensible figure) for the figure - e.g. 55 = 50% of 110

#Divide the smaller figure by the larger figure - 45 divided by 110 = 0.409.....

#Then, multiply 0.409 by 100 = 40.9% So, 45 is 40.9% of 110        Simple!


But say you need to know what 49% of 110 is

In maths terms this is 49 over 100 x 110 over 1 - try writing that out

The calculator works this out to be 5 390 over 100 which then comes to 53.9

So, 49 percent of 110 is 53.9 Another simple method!

Finally, you can get the same answer by multiplying 110 by 0.49 - try it on your calculator

All that method does is cut out the need to divide and then multiply

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