Homoeostasis and Negative Feedback

This section explains homeostasis and the negative feedback mechanism and the role of the hormone’s thyroxine and adrenaline in homoeostasis.

Introduction to Homoeostasis

Homoeostasis is the process by which organisms maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions. This is crucial because the body’s cells and organs function best within certain limits of temperature, pH, and ion concentration. For example, the body maintains a constant internal temperature of around 37°C to ensure optimal enzyme activity.

The main components of homoeostasis include receptors, coordination centres, and effectors. These work together in feedback mechanisms to keep the internal environment steady.

Key Components of Homoeostasis

Receptors are special cells that detect changes in the environment (stimuli). These can be internal stimuli (such as changes in blood glucose levels or temperature) or external stimuli (such as light or temperature outside the body).
Receptors are found throughout the body and send signals to coordination centres when changes are detected.

Coordination Centres
Coordination centres are areas in the body, such as the brain, spinal cord, and pancreas, where information from receptors is processed and a response is organised. The brain, for example, controls body temperature regulation, while the pancreas plays a crucial role in regulating blood glucose levels.

Effectors are the muscles or glands that carry out the response to restore the balance. For example, muscles can cause shivering to increase body temperature, while glands can release hormones like insulin or adrenaline.

Negative Feedback Mechanism

The most important way the body maintains homeostasis is through negative feedback. This process works by reversing a change to bring the system back to its optimal state. It is a self-regulating mechanism that helps to maintain conditions within a narrow range.

Negative Feedback Graph

Here’s how negative feedback works:

Stimulus – A change is detected by a receptor (e.g., a drop in body temperature).

Receptor – The receptor detects the change and sends a signal to the coordination centre (e.g., the brain).

Coordination Centre – The coordination centre processes the information and sends a signal to the effector to initiate a response.

Effector – The effector carries out the response to reverse the change (e.g., muscles contract to generate heat if the body is too cold).

Response – The change is counteracted, and the system returns to its optimal state.

For example, if body temperature drops, the receptors in the skin and hypothalamus detect this, and the brain sends signals to the muscles to start shivering, generating heat, thereby increasing the temperature back to normal. Once normal temperature is restored, the effectors stop, completing the feedback loop.

Role of Hormones in Homoeostasis

Hormones are chemical messengers released by glands in the body. They play a major role in regulating homoeostasis by coordinating the responses of different organs. Two key hormones involved in homoeostasis are thyroxine and adrenaline.


Thyroxine is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It regulates metabolism, including heart rate, temperature, and the rate at which cells carry out chemical reactions. It helps control the body’s energy balance and is crucial for maintaining body temperature.

  • Negative Feedback of Thyroxine: If thyroxine levels in the blood become too high, the hypothalamus in the brain detects this and reduces the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland. This reduces the amount of thyroxine released by the thyroid gland, bringing the levels back to normal.


Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is produced by the adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. It is released in response to stress or danger (the "fight or flight" response).

  • Effects of Adrenaline: Adrenaline prepares the body for a rapid response to a stressful situation by increasing heart rate, dilating airways to allow more oxygen into the lungs, and increasing blood flow to muscles.
  • Negative Feedback of Adrenaline: Once the stressful situation has passed, adrenaline levels in the blood drop, and normal body functions are restored, such as slowing the heart rate and reducing blood flow to non-essential areas.


Homoeostasis is the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment, and negative feedback mechanisms are essential for regulating many physiological functions. Receptors, coordination centres, and effectors all work together to detect changes and bring the body back to its optimal state. Key hormones, such as thyroxine and adrenaline, help in regulating metabolism and responding to stress. The negative feedback loops ensure that conditions within the body remain balanced, allowing for efficient functioning.

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