Nervous Control

This section explains nervous control and the role of the brain in controlling body temperature. The nervous system plays a crucial role in the body's ability to respond to changes in the environment, co-ordinate activities, and maintain homeostasis. One key aspect of nervous control is the function of the brain, which processes information and sends out signals to ensure that the body functions optimally. This guide covers the structure and function of the brain, as well as the role of the brain in controlling body temperature, including responses when core temperature rises or falls.

The Brain

The brain is the control centre of the nervous system, responsible for processing sensory information and coordinating the body’s responses. It is made up of several key regions, each responsible for different functions.

The Brain

Frontal Lobe
The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain and is responsible for higher cognitive functions such as thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving. It also controls voluntary muscle movements and plays a role in speech production.

Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the brain and is involved in conscious thought, memory, perception, and voluntary movement. It has different areas that are responsible for specific functions, including sensory processing, motor control, and language.

Medulla (Medulla Oblongata)
The medulla is located at the base of the brainstem and controls essential life functions such as heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. It is responsible for autonomic functions, meaning those that happen automatically without conscious effort. It also helps regulate reflexes such as swallowing and vomiting.

The cerebellum is situated at the back of the brain and is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements, balance, and posture. It ensures that movements are smooth and controlled by processing information from the sensory systems, spinal cord, and other parts of the brain.

Controlling Body Temperature

The body’s ability to maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis) is vital for its proper functioning. One of the most important aspects of homeostasis is the regulation of body temperature, which is controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus acts as the body’s thermostat, ensuring that the core temperature stays within a narrow range of about 37°C.

When Core Temperature Falls

When the body’s core temperature drops below normal levels (hypothermia), the hypothalamus detects this change and initiates responses to raise the temperature back to normal. These include:

Shivering – Muscles contract rapidly, generating heat through increased metabolic activity.

Vasoconstriction – Blood vessels near the skin surface constrict, reducing blood flow to the skin and extremities, helping to retain heat.

Goosebumps – Tiny muscles at the base of hair follicles contract, causing hairs to stand up, which traps a layer of air and insulates the body.

Increased Metabolic Rate – The body may increase its metabolism to generate more heat.

These responses are part of a negative feedback mechanism that aims to bring the body’s temperature back to normal.

When Core Temperature Rises

When the body’s core temperature increases above normal levels (hyperthermia), the hypothalamus detects this rise and triggers mechanisms to cool the body down. These include:

Sweating – Sweat glands release sweat onto the skin surface. As the sweat evaporates, it removes heat from the body, cooling it down.

Vasodilation – Blood vessels near the skin surface dilate, allowing more blood to flow through the skin. This increases heat loss by radiation.

Decreased Metabolic Rate – The body may reduce metabolic activity to limit heat production.

As with the cooling mechanisms, these actions are part of a negative feedback system that ensures the body’s temperature is restored to a safe and optimal level.


The nervous system, and particularly the brain, plays a crucial role in regulating and coordinating the body's responses to internal and external stimuli. Key regions of the brain, such as the frontal lobe, cerebral cortex, medulla, and cerebellum, each have specialised functions that contribute to overall body control. The hypothalamus is responsible for monitoring and controlling body temperature, triggering responses like sweating, shivering, and changes in blood flow to keep the body’s temperature within a safe range. These processes ensure that the body remains stable and able to function effectively in varying environmental conditions.

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