Transpiration system
Plants require water for growth, temperature regulation and to hold themselves up
Transpiration is the loss of water from the leaves by evaporation
- Water absorbed into roots through root hair cells
- Water carried to leaves through xylem vessels
- Water evaporates from underside of leaves
- Water escapes through holes called stomata
- As water evaporates, more is sucked up xylem

Stomata are tiny holes under a leaf allowing it to breathe. They open and close to control water loss.
- When open – O2 and CO2 enter and exit
- When closed – Reduce water loss
This video explains what happens to water with plants.
Xylem and Phloem Vessels
Xylem are vein like tissues that transport water and minerals up a plant
Phloem are vein like structures through which food is transported around a plant

Cell Turgor
Green plants rely on cell turgor which is the stiffness given to cell walls to hold themselves up
Cell walls become turgid with water
In woody plants, they do not need cell turgor, but instead rely on the support of the strong, impermeable xylem vessels