Group 1 Metals

The elements in Group 1 of the Periodic Table are called the alkali metals. They include lithium (Li), sodium (Na) and potassium (K).

Physical Properties

  • Easy to cut
  • Shiny when freshly cut
  • Low density

Chemical Properties

  • Metals are very reactive with chemical reactivity increasing down the group.
  • All the metals react :
    • :with oxygen to form oxides e.g. Li2O
    • :with water to form hydroxides and hydrogen e.g. KOH
    • : with halogens to form halides e.g. NaOH

Alkali Metal Compounds

  • All alkali metal compounds are stable, this is because the alkali metals are so reactive.
  • Alkali metals have to be extracted from their ores by electrolysis
  • Alkali metal compounds are usually colourless
  • The hydroxides are strong alkalis

Alkali metals

This video shows a demonstration of the relative speeds of surface corrosion of alkali metals and their reaction with water. The alkali metals are all soft metals that can be cut with a knife. They all react quickly with oxygen in air and with water. The rate of reaction increases as you go down the group in the periodic table.


This video explains more about Group 1 metals

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