The brain is composed of a number of lobes that are known to contain the neural control systems for certain, specific functions in the body.
Here is an image of a preserved human brain .

Note the extensive folding; levels of intelligence appear to increase corresponding to the level of folding in an animal brain. Only the Forebrain can be seen clearly here.
A description of the brain’s structure can begin with the Forebrain, the Midbrain & the Hindbrain.
- Hindbrain: controls Respiration, Circulation & Balance
- Midbrain: Visual reflexes & auditory reflexes
- Forebrain: Higher functions, largest brain area
It is important that you are to describe the gross structure of the mammalian brain & outline the functions of the parts (including the cerebrum, cerebellum & medulla oblongata).
Here is an image of the hind, mid & forebrain regions.

The Human Brain showing the Mid, Hind & Forebrain regions.
Now go to the next page “What I need to know about the brain”