Mark Scheme
[The] Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and the regulation of blood glucose. [ 15 marks]
This essay is very open in its title – there is no guidance as to whether it is “Discuss”, “Explain”, “Describe”, “Identify”. This means that you need to clarify what you want to do with it in the first place.
Are you to discuss, explain, describe? – that’s up to you – make this clear in the introduction and stick to it.
This is the list of the MAIN POINTS that would be looked for in the essay:
- Introduction could include reference to the nature of carbohydrates, monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides
- Digestion of starch, salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase
- Digestion of maltose
- Digestion of sucrose
- Digestion of lactose
- Digestion of cellulose in ruminants, saprobionic digestion
- Absorption of monosaccharides
- Relationship between structure and function of ileum
- Absorption of glucose, leading to an increase in blood sugar level
- Roles of insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in control of blood glucose levels
- Roles of the liver in glucose-glycogen metabolism
How marks are awarded
Each awarding body has slightly different values to how marks are awarded and / or where certain criteria fall.
This is a general idea of where marks for Essay 1 would be awarded.
- Scientific content will have a maximum of 11 marks – each main point would be discussed as well as described/ explained / identified in depth to show knowledge & understanding
- A balanced essay (diagrams, discussion, > 1 area of specification covered) 2 marks
- A coherent essay fit for A2 level study Coherence (grammar, punctuation, logical order, continuous prose etc) 2 marks
Total maximum 15 marks