Question 3

Polymers are large molecules found in every biological system. Each polymer has a structure that is related to its function. Write a description (i.e., describe) of how the structure of biological polymers is related to their function.

(25 marks)

Hint: Think of everything you know about the topic e.g.

  • What a polymer is i.e., many units of…….repeating units of…….monomers
  • Name all the polymers you can recall e.g. [primary structure of] proteins/polypeptides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, peptidoglycan and, where they are found
  • The use of polymers in biological systems
  • How polymers are formed & broken i.e., condensation reaction & hydrolysis
  • The product of the condensation reaction
  • The importance of polymers in evolution of complex life ? Individual structure of polymers and their function e.g. polysaccharide cross-links for strength, polypeptides and helical structure of secondary structure proteins e.g. keratin, peptidoglycan (murein) in the strength of bacterial cell walls and the Gram stain
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